WattCharger Blog

EV Charger Installation in Ireland

Written by Adrian Dorney | Jun 20, 2023 6:06:38 PM

As an existing or potential electric vehicle owner, the installation of an EV charger should be at the forefront of your priorities. While charge points may appear unassuming, there are numerous intricacies at work behind the scenes.

While the process may seem straightforward, there is a lot to learn beforehand. The complex electrical system within the device requires proper wiring, connection, and placement. Additionally, adherence to professional installation criteria is crucial to ensure due diligence and compliance with current regulations. Fortunately, there are grant schemes and incentives available to offset the costs of the setup process.

As you may already know, EV home charge points come in two types: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 chargers draw power from standard 120v outlets commonly found in homes. On the other hand, Level 2 chargers require a 240v outlet, which can be installed alongside the charger itself. Although Level 2 chargers are typically more expensive, users can expect up to eight times more driving range per hour, making the investment worthwhile for many.

While some handy EV enthusiasts in Ireland might consider a DIY job feasible, it is important to note that any work must be carried out by an electrician who is qualified with Safe Electric Ireland. This is because an EV charge point qualifies as an appliance regulated by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), thus requiring a more stringent protocol.

Before breaking ground on your new EV charger, your property will need to undergo an inspection. Since the charge point would connect to the home power source, the provider must ensure compatibility before commencing any work. Although this step may seem redundant, it is crucial to remember that this type of electric infrastructure is sensitive to interference and can lead to electrical fires if not handled correctly. Furthermore, as discussed later, failure to use a registered electrical contractor (REC) could impact grant eligibility.

If the installation of an EV charger seems intensive, don't worry. Wattcharger's comprehensive guide on installing an EV charger will leave you with only one question: Why didn't I do this sooner?


Zappi: The Innovative Choice for Home EV Charging in Ireland


After contacting your RECI electrician, the next task is to determine which car charger suits you best. In the industry, charge points are also commonly referred to as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE).

Zappi, a charge point manufactured by Myenergi, has become a popular choice among homeowners in Ireland. It is the world's first EV charger capable of charging using 100% renewable energy. With Myenergi's app, you have easy access to the key functionalities of the charge point at your fingertips. Wi-Fi connectivity enables users to regulate the amount of energy they want to use when to use it, and the energy source it is drawn from, including solar panels or wind generators.

Furthermore, Zappi installations incorporate built-in residual devices (RCDs) to handle potential electrical faults by tripping the electrical flow. This eliminates the need for earth rods, which are underground conductors that redirect dangerous flows to the ground. Zappi's RCDs offer a more convenient and cost-effective solution.

As mentioned earlier, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has implemented the Electrical Home Vehicle Charger Grant. Under this scheme, homeowners can receive up to €600 towards installing a home charge point on their property. To qualify for the grant, homeowners must use an REC-qualified installation provider. This grant is an excellent opportunity to advance in your EV journey and stands in contrast to EV drivers in Britain, who experienced the revocation of a similar scheme in 2022.  


How much does it cost for EV charger installation?


Now that we have discussed the process of EV charger installation, let's talk about the costs homeowners can expect for their own home charge point.

In Ireland, the typical cost of a home EV charger installation varies but usually ranges between €1400 and €1550 (inclusive of the charging unit). In addition to the SEAI grant, some steps can be taken to further reduce costs.

It is advisable to install your charger in close proximity to the home's fuse board. This ensures that complex work can be avoided, leading to streamlined costs. Furthermore, locating the charger near the fuse board allows for a simple and effective cable connection. Complex cable runs can even be connected directly to the meter.

By consulting with installation experts, designating a sensible and open area on the property for the cable run and charger unit will help prevent unexpected issues or costs during the completion of the EV charger installation.


SEAI Home Charger Grant - How to Apply


The SEAI home charger grant scheme is designed to provide ease and convenience for homeowners in Ireland during the charging unit installation process.

After the registered electrician completes the standard installation, you will receive a "no-reply" email from the SEAI. It is strongly advised to forward this email to the electrician on the same day. By doing so, the electrician can follow a link and submit their verification details.

Once this step is completed, proceed to the SEAI's EV Home Charger Payment Request Form and follow the necessary steps. Afterward, homeowners can expect to receive the €600 grant payment within six to eight weeks. It is important to remember that only standard installations, carried out by REC-qualified providers, will be considered for this excellent grant scheme. Also, remember that your MPRN reference number, which can be found on any past electricity bill, will be required.

For more detailed information on the application process, refer to Wattcharger's comprehensive step-by-step grant application guide.


How long does it take to install an EV charger at home?


As you may have realized, every EV homeowner has a unique home configuration, making it difficult to provide an exact standard time frame for EV charger installation. Registered professionals would likely require no more than two to three hours for smaller and simpler installations. However, larger homes with potentially complex configurations may take 2-3 days to complete the installation.

Non-compliance with specific regulations can also extend the installation time. For instance, according to ESB regulations, the electrical "tails" that connect the service head to the electricity meters should be 16 sq. If the tails are shorter or longer, ESB will need to visit the home to adjust the size of the tails, leading to additional time requirements.


Maintenance and Security


When it comes to maintaining and ensuring the continued functionality of your electric vehicle charge point, there are various tools available.

As Ireland's most popular EV home charge point, Zappi comes with a 3-year warranty from Myenergi, although the likelihood of needing it is very low. Zappi users can also access Myenergi's dedicated customer support line at +353 12003003

Zappi is available in both tethered and untethered versions, allowing users to choose whether they want a detachable charging cable or not.

For Zappi owners with the tethered model, proper storage of the charging cable when not in use is crucial. Charging cables can often be damaged if dragged across the ground or stored in awkward positions. Some manufacturers, like Tesla, have implemented locking mechanisms to prevent theft during charging sessions.

To enhance security and gain peace of mind, locks, alarms, and CCTV cameras are proven methods. For more information on keeping your EV charge point secure and functioning properly, refer to Wattcharger's comprehensive guide on EV charging security.


Is it worth installing a home EV charger?


Now that you understand the process, the natural question arises: is it worth installing your own home EV charger?

The short answer is a resounding yes. The first and most obvious benefit is the convenience it provides. By investing in a home charger, you gain the ability to charge your vehicle whenever and however you want. While ESB operates around 1,350 chargers across Ireland, no alternative can match the comfort and accessibility of having your own charger at home.

The second reason to consider installing a home charge point is the potential for savings. As of December 2022, ESB increased rates at public charging points by 52%. Non-members now have to pay over 68 cents per kWh for models with battery capacities over 50 kWh. In contrast, a home charge point would cost significantly less, for example, charging the Volkswagen ID4 with a 7 kWh battery would only incur a cost of about €8 to €12.

For users of Zappi, the benefits are even greater. By utilizing the ECO+ mode on the Myenergi app, users can make use of up to 100% renewable energy from their sources. Furthermore, cutting-edge vehicle-to-grid technology allows users to potentially sell excess power back to the grid, creating a potential profit. Manufacturers such as Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Ford have already initiated V2G pilots on their latest models.

While the possibilities seem endless, it's important to note that individuals living in terraced houses or apartment buildings may face challenges in accessing off-street parking. The issue remains a pressing one in the EV space, and Wattcharger has been actively involved in lobbying efforts to address this issue.

To learn more about EV chargers or to get in touch with us about purchasing your own today, don't hesitate to speak to one of Wattcharger's experts on electric car charger installations using the tool below.

Wattcharger - Trusted Electrician and Installation Partners


If you're already considering the SEAI grant as a great opportunity to begin your EV charger installation journey, Wattcharger is here to assist you.

With our extensive network of contractors spanning across Ireland, we can guarantee that an REC-qualified professional is always within reach. Our electricians are known for maintaining the highest standards of safety and adhering to proper procedures, as evidenced by positive feedback from our satisfied customers. To connect with us and find a qualified electrician, simply use the tool provided by Wattcharger below.