WattCharger Blog

Irish Schools Encouraged to Go Green with New Solar Panel Funding Opportunity

Written by Adrian Dorney | Jan 3, 2023 10:55:27 PM

The Irish Minister of the Environment, Eamon Ryan, has introduced new initiatives to reduce the reliance Irish schools have on the national energy grid. The new measures will roll out solar panel installation schemes to offer Irish schools an alternative energy source. The schools will be able to apply for funds of up to €2,400 for the installation of solar photovoltaic panels. 

This news is part of The Irish Government's Micro-generation Support Scheme, which aims to install approximately 380 MegaWatts of solar solutions across Irish buildings by 2030. Wattcharger's Solarwatt panel, produced by BMW, will be a key player in this effort. 

Schools will be 100% supported in the scheme, according to Education Minister Norma Foley. Furthermore, Green Party Senator Pauline O'Reilly has said It makes absolute sense that solar panels should be installed in every school in Ireland and that they lead by example in Ireland's rooftop revolution. We need to act now to protect our children’s future and ensure our younger generations are educated in climate-neutral energy resources."

This a timely introduction, as electricity costs continue to increase due to various external factors. Schools in Ireland are welcome to install around 16 panels per 25sq m of roof area, as provided by the government. This offers a sound economic reason for schools to switch to more environmentally-friendly options.

If you would like to explore solar solutions for your home or business, please reach out to us at rpe@wattcharger.com or check out our solar power product listings page here.