WattCharger Blog

Guide to Electric Vehicle Home Charger Installation

Written by Adrian Dorney | Apr 12, 2023 5:40:26 PM

When it comes to planning the installation of an electric car charger in Ireland, homeowners may find it challenging to know where to begin. With various plugs, features, power options, and more to consider, finding a home charger that meets your specific needs as an EV owner is not only essential but also financially rewarding.

Under the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy implemented by the Irish Government, the State aims to significantly expand public road charging points, leading to a dramatic increase in Ireland's total number of public charge points. Currently, public charge points in Ireland account for only about 0.5% of the EU total. This strategy is undoubtedly good news for Irish electric car owners.

However, despite this positive development, 80% of electric car charging in Ireland still takes place at private residences. As we will soon discover, planning and executing an electric car installation of your own can provide you with a level of convenience, freedom, and financial incentives that are not available when using public charge points.

Fortunately, the experts at Wattcharger understand the planning and execution of this sometimes-daunting process. By staying up-to-date with industry developments, our team of experts also knows how to keep abreast of various grants and costs that can be saved by arranging your car charger installation.

In this guide, you will learn the proper process for installing and using a home charger.

Preparing to Install your Home Charger


In order to meet the objectives outlined in the Irish Government's 2019 Climate Action Plan, approximately one million home charge points will be required in the state by the end of the decade. In an effort to expedite the realization of this ambitious goal, Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien announced a plan that would mandate all newly constructed homes in Ireland to include EV charging infrastructure.

Before buying an EV home charge point, it is highly recommended that a qualified electrician surveys the area of the property where the home charger will be installed. This is to ensure that the charger is placed at an appropriate distance from the home's fuse board.

Currently, there are three basic requirements for installing an electric car charger on your property. These include dedicated off-street parking (such as a garage, driveway, or parking bay), a Wi-Fi connection on the property, and permission from the homeowner (if relevant to tenants). Once these standards are met, it is time to begin searching for a suitable home charger.

Purchasing your Electric Car Charger


Despite the abundance of options available for EV home chargers, Wattcharger customers have overwhelmingly expressed satisfaction with the Zappi electric car charger. Zappi, similar to other EV charging points, transfers electrical power from the grid to the electric car via a cable. The energy is then transmitted through a connector that converts direct current into alternating current. Furthermore, Zappi chargers are available in black or white, carry a 3-year warranty, and are the first-ever solar-compatible EV chargers.

EV charging units that do not have an attached cord are referred to as untethered, while tethered models come with an attached cable. Fortunately, Zappi chargers are available in both configurations and can be purchased through the Wattcharger website. Presently, the tethered Zappi charging units start at €999 for 7 kWh of charging power. For untethered models, the pricing starts from €975 before installation and before the SEAI grants are factored into the equation.

In Ireland, the Sustainable Energy Authority (SEAI) is responsible for promoting and advancing renewable energy solutions in the country. Homeowners can claim up to €600 from the SEAI for electric car charger installations under the Electric Vehicle Home Charger Grant. Similarly, business owners can qualify for an Accelerated Capital Allowance SEAI grant and receive tax incentives for implementing energy-saving strategies such as the installation of EV chargers.

Now that the charger has been acquired, the excitement is just beginning. By taking this first step, you have initiated the process of taking control of your carbon footprint and energy expenditures.

Installing your EV Charger


In order to complete electric installations in Ireland, homeowners must engage an electrician who has been approved by Safe Electric Ireland. Upon installation of your home charge point, the provider will return a Completion Certificate, which confirms that the EV home charger has been installed in accordance with the proper protocol. It is crucial to furnish this certificate in order to qualify for the SEAI grant.

Presently, the wait time for approved installation providers is roughly ten days. However, once a certified installer has been appointed, the installation process itself should take no longer than a few hours. It is important to consider the installation fee when assessing the cost of an electric car charger for your home. The installation price varies from home to home and can range anywhere from €150 to €600 for homeowners in Ireland. WattCharger provides our customers with the full package which includes the Zappi EV Charger and accessories as well as the installation.

Folks who are considering the installation of an EV charger must also be cognizant that these chargers typically utilize a maximum of 32 amps of power. While most modern homes in Ireland possess an energy supply of 80-100 amps, smaller or older homes may have less power. If you are unsure about the amp supply in your home or have any queries regarding the installation process, please contact Wattcharger using the contact form.

The Benefits of Installing an Electric Car Charger in Ireland

Convenient Charging Solution

Although the environmental benefits of electric vehicles are widely known, the other advantages of installing a personal electric car charger in Ireland are not publicized enough. Homeowners should consider the cost-saving potential of having their own charger, rather than relying on public charge points. The Electrical Services Board (ESB) currently manages all public charge point infrastructure in the country, with 25% of the 1,350 ESB chargers situated in Dublin. This may be an issue for homeowners in rural settings, making it difficult to justify purchasing an EV. Most home EV chargers, like Zappi, are compatible with all EV models, including Tesla's entire EV fleet. Moreover, EV batteries perform better when they are fully charged, which is challenging when one has to locate public points every few hours. As an EV owner with a home charger, you have the flexibility to charge your vehicle whenever and however you want.

Cost Savings on Your Electricity Bills

Most ESB charge points have a charging power of 22 kWh, meaning most 36 kWh EV batteries can be charged within two hours. However, using public points can be costly, particularly when compared to the savings one could make by installing their own electric car charger at home. After a recent ESB price increase, EV owners in Ireland pay €25 for a full charge at a public charge point, while ESB members pay about €20. An ESB ecars membership currently costs €4.79 monthly. Though models differ, using public charge points usually costs between €8 and €10 for every 100 km driven. With a home charging point, you have the option of charging your vehicle during off-peak hours, such as overnight, to benefit from lower rates. Irish homeowners can expect to pay approximately 23c per kWh for overnight charging, compared to the cheapest option for ESB members at public points, which is around 50c per kWh. This means that installing a home EV charger could save you 50% if you're currently using public points across Ireland.

V2G and Other Reasons to Install a Home Charger

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology enables the transfer of energy stored in EV batteries back to the electrical grid. This works for renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy, which can, in theory, be sold back to the national grid for a profit. Although V2G technology is not yet widely used, several EV manufacturers such as Mitsubishi, Ford, and Nissan are already making new models compatible with this exciting new technology.

Install your EV Charger Today


As with any significant decision, buying, installing, and using an EV charge point requires sufficient research. Hopefully, this guide has addressed some of the most pressing questions about the process of obtaining your own.

Having an electric car charging point at home empowers EV owners by giving them more control. Through a combination of sustainability, support systems, and the opportunity to save a significant amount of money, there has never been a better time to start the installation process.

Contact Wattcharger below, and our team of experts will assist you in getting started.